Alex Pillar-Rogers

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Alex grew up in Adelaide and became an advocate for injustice from her teenage years, actively participating in rallies and protests related to causes she was passionate about.

She initially attended Adelaide University but later switched to Macquarie University, where Alex graduated with a Bachelor of Health after relocating to Sydney.

In her twenties, Alex lived in New South Wales for four years and worked in child protection in south-west Sydney. During this time, she collaborated with various Indigenous communities and families, gaining valuable insights into the significance of family strengths and the importance of keeping children at home whenever feasible.

Returning to Adelaide, Alex joined the Department for Child Protection for a decade, serving as a Supervisor for three years. She dedicated efforts to support new social workers in understanding Family Led Decision making, a tool successfully implemented by Indigenous families for several years. Alex was also involved in the pilot program for Family Group Conferencing, promoting the practice of Family Led Decision Making.

Having presented at Flinders University on the subject of child protection and the importance of collaborative work with families, Alex has a genuine passion for advocating for the voice of the child. She possesses a deep understanding of past and present system failures, motivating her to assist families in acting in the best interests of their children and advocating for the means to make this possible.

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